25 Days of Christmas — Day 23

Michelle March
2 min readDec 25, 2021

A day filled with friends, fun, and Festivus

Image Credit: Author

Well guys, I had so much fun during all my Christmas shenanigans for day 23 that I was so plum exhausted that I slept all day today and am late posting. Better late than never right!

I started off my day watching my husband's favorite episode of Seinfield “The Strike”. If you have somehow never seen this particular episode of Seinfeld. George’s dad created a holiday for his family to celebrate called Festivus. Festivus is always celebrated on December 23rd and includes such wild treats as the airing of grievances, the feats of strength, a metal pole, and a grand Festivus dinner.

Next, I met up with my fellow Ninja Writer and writing partner AC Troi. Another Ninja Writer friend of our Terianne Falcone came to visit us for Christmas so we all met up and hijinks occurred.

We enjoyed an entire day together laughing, enjoying food, and getting to know one another. We exchanged some Christmas presents and watched the Christmas movie “Love Actually”, one of Andrew’s favorites.



Michelle March

I'm a 🌪️ of creativity who writes ✍️, designs 🎨, and consults 🤝, fueled by ☕ and 😜 humor.